Julia Emiliani is an illustrator, designer and painter based in Boston, MA.

Birthday Daisies

Birthday Daisies


Daisies from my birthday in 2019, arranged in a Jackfruit can and stacked on some of my favorite CDs. July 2019.

  • 8”x8” gouache painting on canvas

  • Canvas has .5” depth and is painted on all sides

  • Signed and dated by the artist on the back

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Fresh Lemon Painting Green Lemon-web.jpg

Fresh Lemon Painting

Kingcup Cacti Painting yellow cactus painting 1x1.jpg

Kingcup Cacti Painting

Joshua Tree Painting joshua tree 1x1.jpg

Joshua Tree Painting

Hydrangea on Summer Street Hydrangea on summer street-web.jpg
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Hydrangea on Summer Street

Mojave Yucca Desert Plant Painting mojave yucca 1x1.jpg

Mojave Yucca Desert Plant Painting
