Julia Emiliani is an illustrator, designer and painter based in Boston, MA.

Essentials Painting

Essentials Painting


This piece celebrates a staple ingredient throughout my life. It is pictured paired with other objects that have been essentials as well, from the Vaselines and Bratmobile CDs to one of my Nani’s silk scarves. This piece was painted during the coronavirus pandemic, giving renewed significance to the word essential. April 2020.

A portion of proceeds from the sale of this piece will be donated to the Somerville Community Fridge.

  • 8”x8” acrylic painting on canvas

  • Canvas has .5” depth with edges painted

  • Signed and dated by the artist on the back

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Joshua Tree Painting

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Prickly Pear Cactus Blooms Painting

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Aura Gradient Painting #2

Sale Price:$100.00 Original Price:$125.00
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Infinite Blue Painting

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Sold Out

Birthday Daisies
